8 Moms Give Advice On How To Be A Girlfriend In Your 20s

Always keep a private bank account in your mother’s name that nobody knows about.
— Lauren, 52
While the above advice varies, these moms are on the same page about a few key points. They’re all in agreement on the fact that your 20s are a time for you to grow and change, and that you don’t need to settle down with someone right away. Forget the timeline. Take away the self-imposed deadline. It will happens when it happens.
Remember that it’s not selfish to prioritize your education and your career goals over a boyfriend or girlfriend. In fact, this is exactly the time in your life when you should do just that. The right person for you will respect and admire your ambition. If someone you’re dating doesn’t support your success, you don’t need them in your life.
Above all, remember this one simple thing: Significant others will come and go, but your mom’s love is forever.