Ayesha Curry: Secret to long marriage to Stephen Curry is putting him first, not kids – USA TODAY

By celebrity marriage standards, almost eight years of marriage is nothing to balk at.
Celebrity chef Ayesha Curry, 29, and wife of Stephen Curry, 30, of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors says the secret to staying married is a lot of straight conversations. But the couple, who have three children, say it’s something else, too. The something else came courtesy of their parents, who have been married for more than 30 years each.
‘Putting ourselves first’
Curry shared the advice of her parents and her in-laws in an interview with Hello Giggles.
“… And the one thing that they both shared with us — some through learning it the hard way, some through just making sure that they do it — is just making sure that we put each other first, even before the kids, as tough as that sounds. Putting ourselves first, and making sure that we make time for date nights and for each other. That’s been very important, as hard as it is.“
Curry said it wasn’t easy and goes against a parent’s instinct.
The couple have a two daughters, Riley, 6, and Ryan, 3, and son Canon, 6 months.
“Because when you become a parent, you want to put your kids first, and we do, but we do it second to our relationship. Because ultimately, when our relationship is good, the kids are happy and they’re thriving and our family life is good. We have to put that into perspective and realize that it’s not us being selfish, it’s making sure we set a strong foundation.”
Hmm … That’s making a lot of sense! Here’s to the marriage going the distance.
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