Category Archives: Relationships
Ask Dr. NerdLove: My Girlfriend Is Too Intense About Spoilers – Kotaku

Hello all you lust-macaques of the InterTubes, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that’s the strategy guide for your open world dating sim experience.
This week, we’re tackling the strange, new and different, the questions you never thought you would encounter. How do you handle online dating… when you have a brand new face? What happens when the number one conflict in your relationship requires a spoiler warning? And how do you make sure that you have someone’s consent when they’re too shy to talk to you?
It’s time to ditch the side quests and critical path the storyline for your love-life. Let’s do this.
Hi Sir NerdLove,
It’s coming up on two years on my relationship with my girlfriend. She’s amazing. I love her. She’s kind, sweet, funny, has follow-through and is insightful. The sex is great, fun. She and I see eye to eye on many things, such as kids, marriage, and various social issues. We share a lot of similar interests (we met via Twitch). I’m thinking fairly seriously about marrying her.
However, we do have a few issues. One of the ones that’s most vexing is spoilers. Yeah, spoilers. She takes a hard line on spoilers, she stays off social media, mutes people, waits until she has seen/played the thing. However, this makes things somewhat difficult when we talk about shared interests. Like, to the point where I can’t talk about a video game because, at some point in the vague future, she *might* play it. I’m neutral on spoilers, but it’s become really hard to talk about shared interests if she hasn’t played/seen it, and then I’m stuck not sharing stuff I’m excited about with her. I mean, I can find other people to be excited with (like, you know, the internet) but it’s…sometimes a really big bummer not to share my favorite stuff with her because of this.
I know this is a super silly thing, but is there a happy medium with the spoiler averse? I feel like there’s some sort of way to grow in terms of communication from here.
Thank you,
S. P. O. I. L. E. R. S.
Funny thing about spoilers: they don’t actually ruin our enjoyment of an experience. In fact, in many cases, knowing the outcome builds tension and enjoyment in ways that you never expected. Sunset Boulevard famously starts with a shot of the corpse of the narrator, and as the story progresses, we feel the tension because we know that his death is coming.
In other cases, knowing the end means that we can enjoy the journey to get there more than we would the first time around. Understanding the twists from, say, The Usual Suspects, Fight Club or The Sixth Sense means that you can see how the story builds up to the reveal.
While there’s definitely something to be said for being surprised by the media we consume, there comes a point where trying to avoid spoilers becomes an exhausting enterprise. Doubly-so if you have any sort of meta-knowledge, whether it’s an awareness of the game’s tropes (looking at you, Red Dead 2) or simply understand storytelling language.
And when you’re so spoiler-averse that you’re avoiding spoilers on the off chance that you might play or see it? Well, at that point, you’re now not just interfering with your own enjoyment but that of the people around you. Because if they have to be on their toes about spoiling a game or movie or book — one that came out quite some time ago, especially — then you’re making it harder for them to express their enjoyment.
So my suggestion is an expiration date on spoilers. It’s fair to, say, not want spoilers for a movie or game that only just came out that you’re looking forward to. It’s not entirely unreasonable to ask to remain relatively unspoiled for something that you’re planning on playing in the near future — let’s say, three to four months.
But if the thing you’re trying to avoid spoilers on is a conditional desire — I may want to play this in the future — well, while that doesn’t make it fair game for someone to spoil it willy-nilly, if it’s past the three month mark, it’s unreasonable to impose those restrictions on others and make a fuss if you do find out some detail about it.
But that’s just my opinion. I’m curious to hear what others think in the comments.
Regardless: your girlfriend is welcome to whatever policy she wants on spoilers, but there quickly comes a point where it’s just a pointless stance for its own sake that actively starts to impinge on the enjoyment of others.
Good luck.
Dear Dr. NerdLove,
My question relates specifically to online dating and the pictures we use. I recently had facial reconstruction surgery due to an injury. While I’m assured by my friends and family that my face looks the same, there are slight differences that are definitely noticeable to me, and to others when I point them out. Now, after several months of recovery, I’m ready to get back into the dating scene, but these days that means apps and online dating, and that means pictures.
It doesn’t help that I’m naturally pretty camera shy, so I only have one or two good pictures of myself post-surgery. Which brings me to my question, how do I deal with this in the world of online dating? I don’t want to be dishonest to the people I may end up going out with. Do I disclose it and just get it out there ahead of time, commission a photographer to take headshots, or am I just overthinking this?
Facially Impaired
You need some current pics, FI.
The trick to online dating is that, by necessity, it is built on trust. When you’re putting yourself out there on a dating app, you’re making yourself vulnerable by choice. You’re saying, intrinsically, that you know that there are fakers out there, people who’ve fudged the numbers, who’ve put up misleading information or even created completely fake lives, but you’re still trusting the folks you contact to be who they represent themselves to be.
And they’re asking the same of you.
Now there’s a certain amount of obvious polish that goes on; when you’re putting up a profile on a dating app, you’re presenting yourself in your best possible light. You’re not necessarily going to say “Look, I’m basically a trash gremlin whose definition of acceptable adult attire involves whichever pants have the least noticeable stains” (though kudos to you if you are; there may be folks who’re actively looking for their own Oscar The Grouch). You’re going to pick the photos and write your profile that tell the best story about who you are. But “who you are” should be an accurate reflection of “who you are now.”
This is one of the reasons why people get annoyed by profiles whose information is out of date. It may have been accurate once, but it’s no longer a reasonable portrait of who they are at this point in time. We’re all different people as each year moves on, and it’s worth sharing that with the people we are trying to date.
In your case, it’s who you are, post this injury. And in fairness: any differences may only be noticeable to you because you’re intimately familiar with your face. But it’s still your face as it stands now. It’s the face that people who want to meet up with you in person are going to see. So even if these differences are so minor that they’re only noticeable after someone points them out, it’s still better to err on the side of honesty and let folks see you as you are.
And honestly? The stress of “how will they respond if they realize my photos are out of date” isn’t worth it. This way, you aren’t going to spend the run-up to your dates worrying that they’ll be put off if they see you — even when that anxiety is complete bullshit.
Get yourself some new photos, FI. You’ll feel far better and more confident about the people you’ll be meeting when you do.
Good luck.
Hello, Doc,
Long introduction, short question. I’m sorry.
I’m a 26 years old guy who’s not much of social person. A few months ago, I decided to try Tinder to meet girls, improve my social calibration and get experience in dating. It seemed like a low stake and easy way to guide my brain into “talk to people” state. Anyways, I matched with this woman, who is 36, and talking to her was pretty hard for me from the start. Despite my efforts, her replies were short and abrupt. When I was sure that this match was done, I threw an invitation to drink tea together thinking she was going to deny or just leave me without answer. “I can’t know for sure if I don’t ask,” thought I. “Ok, when?” said she.
Our first two dates were kinda nice, kinda cute, kinda meh. They didn’t go well but were not too bad either. She wasn’t very talkative and I wasn’t able to lead the conversation. While silence itself doesn’t bother me, it’s not a good thing to have during a date when connections should be made. She did show some signs of interest in me but didn’t elaborate on them. Then we couldn’t meet for about a couple of months because we both were busy. We had some text exchanges which were short and abrupt as well. She initiated about a half of these exchanges. Recently we had a third date and it was really, really good and I’m starting to like this woman a lot. But the way she acts is puzzling me.
She’s 36 but when I’m with her I feel like she’s 19. I feel like she’s a little bit infantile (in a good way) and shy or closed off. I can’t quite wrap my head around it. On our third date there wasn’t much silence (in big part because I was able to pull my head out of my anxiety bubble and just let my mind flow). And she became a lot more open to me. She laughed at my jokes and made jokes herself. It got me thinking that she is probably into me but might not be comfortable in opening up so I need to lead the dance.
During the date I was proactive in establishing physical contact. For instance, a gentle push at her upper back during an uncomfortable situation at a doorway, playful touching during fooling around in a store or grabbing her hand at a very busy crosswalk and guiding her through the crowd. (She’s very short and I was legitimately worried about her safety. Heck, I was even worried about my own safety.) After the crosswalk I kept holding her hand and we joked that the sidewalk is slippery and I’m scared to fall. At the end of the date I went for a good-bye kiss. At first, she leaned back slightly and I thought she was dodging me, but then she leaned closer to me, lowered her head and smiled like a shy cartoon character. I slowly got close to her face and we kissed. I think it was very cute and romantic. But it made me think about consent.
Was it bad that I went for a kiss after only saying that I had a good time? Considering things will go further, how can I ask for her consent without creeping her out if she gets shy when I try to be more intimate? Whenever I made physical contact with her, I didn’t ask whether she minded it. I was paying attention what body part I touch and for how long I keep the contact for it to be appropriate. Holding her hand was ironed with a joke, but it wasn’t asked for. And the first try to kiss was a bit blunt.
I guess the answer would be just ask for the consent, own the awkwardness, be patient and more attentive to her. I rarely meet people like her. Usually I’m the quiet one who needs some push to get going. I feel like I’m on the right track but if you have any advice, I will appreciate it.
Best regards,
In Cute Uncertainty
The key to getting consent and making sure that it’s enthusiastically given is, simply, asking.
Now there are a lot of ways to ask for consent, especially for physical contact, and not all of them are verbal. For example, if someone were to hold out their arm to another person with their elbow slightly cocked, then it’s a fairly clear indication that you’re asking them to walk arm in arm. If you hold your hand out to them with the palm up, then it’s pretty clear that you’re asking if they would like to take your hand.
If you want to be especially sure that they understand that you’re asking, then you can always simply say “May I?” in a light voice.
But the surest way to know if someone is consenting is just to use your words and ask them. And yeah, sometimes it can feel awkward to ask “Can I kiss you?” But it doesn’t have to be. In fact, asking for consent — for a kiss, for a touch, for considerably more — can be hot as hell if you do it correctly. Imagine, for example, that on your next date, after an emotional high-point — you’re laughing, having a good time, standing close to one another — you lean in and say “I want to kiss you so badly right now.” Or “What would happen if I kissed you right now?”
And then you wait, giving her the time to decide: does she want this? Or is she going to give you the wave-off? She may say “no.” She may say “Let’s find out.” She may lean in herself and kiss you instead. But in all of those cases, you’ve gotten a clear answer from her. You’ll know, one way or another, whether she wanted to be kissed by you.
That same logic applies to other activities. “What would happen if I kissed your neck?” “Would you like me to touch you?” “Should we take this back to my place?” When you make asking for her consent part of the play, then it’s not an awkward interruption. It’s part of the dance, an act of mutual seduction.
But what if she doesn’t say anything? What if she’s so shy and embarrassed that she flinches away? Then you take that as a “no”, and all you have to say is “I understand and if you change your mind…” and leave it at that. Because if you give her the space to decide, shyness or no, then you’re giving her the space to say “yes” in the future. Trying to push the issue is a great way to get a “yes” that she may not be ready or willing to give.
By letting her decide, you create the possibility for her to decide that the answer wasn’t “no” but “not yet.”
Good luck.
Did you use misleading photos in your online dating profile? How have you asked or been asked for consent? Share your story in the comments below and we’ll be back with more of your questions in two weeks.
Ask Dr. Nerdlove is Kotaku’s bi-weekly dating column, hosted by the one and only Harris O’Malley, AKA Dr. NerdLove. Got a question you’d like answered? Write and put “Kotaku” in the subject line.
Harris O’Malley is a writer and dating coach who provides geek dating advice at his blog Paging Dr. NerdLove and the Dr. NerdLove YouTube channel. His new dating guide New Game+: The Geek’s Guide to Love, Sex and Dating is out now from Amazon, iTunes and everywhere fine books are sold He is also a regular guest at One Of Us.
He can be found dispensing snark and advice on Facebook and on Twitter at @DrNerdLove.
Relationship expert reveals his top 10 tips for dating success – Mirror Online

If you’re hoping 2019 could be the year you finally find love – then you’re in luck.
Dating expert, the Fairy Godfather, has come up with the top 10 tips all women need to read to make romance as successful as possible.
With the raft of apps on offer, it’s never been easier to make contact with a potential new partner.
But with that come a range of pitfalls.
Dating expert, The Fairy Godfather, is making it his mission to help women navigate the romance minefield.
The Fairy Godfather wants to make women’s dating experiences easier
And now he has come up with the top 10 tips to guarantee successful dating.
Fairy Godfather, who prefers to go by his alter ego, started his mission to make women happy daters back in 2011.
Out of the blue he sent a woman he had been chatting to a message.
It turned out she had been on the way to commit suicide and his words made her stop and turn around.
He said: “We later met, I gave her a big hug and she told me something that stuck with me, she said ‘you have a gift’ and from then on I decided I wanted to help women.

Dating can be a minefield but the Fairy Godfather has some tips for making the most of it (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
“I want to achieve a better enviornment for women to date in.”
Fairy Godfather explains that before internet dating, the odds were firmly in women’s favour.
But the explosion in popularity with apps such as Tinder has blown that out of the water.
He said: “When Tinder exploded in 2012 everyone became easily espendable, mirroring the throw away society we live in.
“Men could speak to multiple women at once at the touch of a button and so to beat the competition, women started giving what hadn’t been earned, thinking it would keep the man.
“Men realised if they lied or manipulated women they could get sex very easily.
“I’m giving advice that can turn back the clocks to a pre tinder state of dating and that will only be done by women taking the lead and following these simple steps that may go against their natural urges, it about being mindful and thinking logically.”

Follwing some simple rules means you’ll gt the most out of dating (Image: Getty Images/Blend Images)
Fairy Godfather’s top 10 tips for dating success
- Don’t reply to messages straight away, this is all about dopamine and scarcity principle. As soon as you reply straight away, you become predictable, which takes away anticipation and that plays a huge factor in the build up of dopamine in the brain.
- Don’t have expectations in men you hardly know, a man must be consistently persistent over time with actions matching words and that doesn’t happen in the first couple of dates.
- Never give what’s not been earned (that includes sex, time and trust). When you give what’s not been earned you set yourself up for a huge fall. It always hurts more.
- Don’t have sex until you know a man well. That will involves daily communication and at least four dates to all be in the public eye. There are many reasons why but the main two are it’s a huge part of the chase.
- Make sure your intentions match. As soon as you find out they don’t then you need to sever all ties. Don’t think you’re the exception, if you’re just a sexual conquest that won’t change in to a long-term relationship. The only time in tends change is when you go from a possible long-term prospect to a sexual conquest. Never the other around.
- Block all men that are longer a part of your life. That doesn’t make you petty or rude, it’s about self preservation.
- If dating becomes all consuming then understand it’s OK to take a break. Like they say, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” .
- Be self aware, know your worth and make sure you’re ready to date and date for the right reasons. Don’t date because you’re lonely or heartbroken, date when you’re ready to.
- Make sure you have boundaries that include not replying to messages after 10pm and making sure that all dates are set well in advance (at least four days). If you’re the last minute lover you’re probably the last thing on his mind. Save spontaneity until you’re at least exclusive.
- Make sure the first date is a one hour coffee/non alcoholic date. That one hour stops alcohol clouding the mind and lowering inhibitions and of course it’s safer.
Follow the Fairy Godfather on Instagram here.
Bustle Huddle Podcast: Can You Really Change Your Dating Habits? – Bustle

The great Lauryn Hill once sang on The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, “I loved real real hard once / But the love wasn’t returned / Thought the man I would die for / He wasn’t even concerned.” Ouch. For those who may have experienced heartbreak years ago, or for those who are nursing a fresh wound, getting your heart broken at one point or another is part of the human experience. Some will cry, some will find it hard to sleep, and some may drown their sorrows in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. But eventually we all seem to come out the other side — dare I even say — stronger because of it.
On this week’s episode of The Bustle Huddle, we’re talking heartbreak and our dating habits, and we’re fixing our lives Iyanla Vanzant-style. My co-host, Bustle Associate Lifestyle Editor Tanya Ghahremani, and I were each paired with a dating expert to identify some of our patterns — and why it’s helpful to identify our patterns. While I’m the sort to want to throw my broken heart into a trash bin (much like the photo above) after getting my heart broken and not accept many dates because I’m thinking about the one that got away, Tanya is the opposite. She has no problem going on dates, but ends up swiping right on the same kind of guy — the emotional unavailable type. On this episode, we’re doing the work — literal homework — given to us by our dating coaches.
Tanya was paired with former professional matchmaker and current Elite Daily Sex and Relationships Editor Hannah Orenstein to get some motivation to leave the apps behind for a little while and meet people IRL. This tweak could possibly help her bond in person, Hannah says, and, therefore, help her meet more emotionally available men. Hannah’s homework for Tanya: Set up three dates that will get her away from dating apps and help her make these connections.
And to help with mending my broken heart, I’m paired with Elle Huerta, founder and CEO of the Mend app, which is a resource for those who are going through heartbreak. In our conversation, Elle gave me homework: She wants me to plan Valentine’s Day for myself, even though pink hearts and candy may not be top of mind for me right now.
If you’re rethinking your dating habits, or opening yourself up to new possibilities, both Hannah and Elle share some brilliant advice that may inspire you. Tanya already gets an A+ from Hannah, as she’s already set to go on three dates this month. As for me, I’m still processing Elle’s incredible one-on-one advice — but at least I’m not wearing a black hoodie anymore, like I wore during the recording of this podcast. But considering Valentine’s Day has always been like my second Christmas, I’m excited about making the sweetest plans for myself, and making happy Jada priority #1.
Check out this week’s episode on iTunes and Spotify. And please share your dating stories with us in the comments section — we’d love to hear from you!
If You Haven’t Yet Heard of Spy Apps, Welp, You May Never Date Again – Bravo

If you haven’t yet caught up with the TV series You, it’s basically a show where Penn Badgley plays an obssessed stalker (in most people’s opinions), or possibly a “romantic” at heart (to some others like Millie Bobby Brown).
No matter what side of the fence you fall on, the reality is that it’s 2019, and there is certainly a dating app for everything. There’s one for dog lovers, one for people who are turned-on by chin scruff, and one for those who can’t stomach gluten.
There are also a lot of crazies out there.
If you don’t happen to have access to your potential love interest’s old phone and access to his or her cloud account (like on the show), well, there’s a new type of app that’s creepier than ever: “Spy apps” aren’t helping people find love, they’re invading people’s privacy, and adding a new layer of “OMG is this really a thing?” when it comes to the dating world.
So what exactly are spy apps?
According to Kim Komando, who dishes the latest news on digital security threats and scams on The Kim Komando Show, spy apps are the latest weapon in relationship dramas.
“This is done through secret keylogging apps let you see your partner’s emails and texts, track them with GPS and, if you pay enough, access their Instagram and Snapchat accounts,” Komando reports.
These keylogging apps have been around for years as a way for parents to monitor their kids online and cellphone usage, and for bosses to monitor their employee’s computer use, but not they are entering the dating world and it’s just creepy.
The worst part about these apps is that you might not even know one is currently running on your phone or computer (cue the paranoia).
“Don’t get paranoid that a spying app is on your phone, but there are signs to look for. Your battery could be draining faster than usual and you might see an increase in your data usage. Look to see what downloaded apps have been on your phone. Check your account at the Apple App Store or Google Play,” says Komando.
So are these things legal? Yes, but not in the dating space.
“According to Harvard Law’s website, although keyloggers facilitate a major invasion of privacy, they are legal in many jurisdictions.
On an individual level, many parents utilize this software as a way to protect their children when they are online, which again is legal.” There’s nowhere in this report, or elsewhere, that says it’s legal to use with someone you’re dating, or married to, especially if they haven’t given you permission to spy on them.
If you want to make sure that none of these spy apps are capturing your every move, every time you pick up your phone or turn on your computer, below is a list of ways, according to the website,, to help you get rid of them as soon as possible:
Check out the list of installed applications in Settings
- All apps you don’t remember to install should be deleted immediately
- Install one of the most valuable anti-virus programs and scan your phone’s system and memory
- Delete every strange app or file anti-virus will offer you
- Don’t miss any updates of your anti-virus
Credit: Netflix
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