Category Archives: Relationships
Help! I’m Not Racist. I Just Love Dogs. – Slate

Photo illlustration by Slate. Photo by Getty Images Plus.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg is online weekly to chat live with readers. Here’s an edited transcript of this week’s chat.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg: Good morning, everybody. Let’s chat!
Q. I just love dogs: I live in the downtown area of a gentrifying city. I have worked intentionally to become part of the community I joined, while respecting its roots—supporting local business, volunteering, etc. I know I have lots of unconscious racial biases, but I try hard to listen and not cause harm. I also really love dogs. I have an awesome dog. He is cute and friendly, and we know lots of people in our neighborhood who I wouldn’t otherwise have any reason to interact with. Having a cute, friendly dog, I am very used to people paying attention to him and not talking to me. Not only do I not mind this, it brings me joy to see people dote on him. I also talk a lot at my job and can sometimes feel burned out from any more conversation than I’m professionally obligated to engage in. I am friendly with some fellow dog parents, and dogs being the focal point of our interaction often seems like a global inside joke.
About a month ago, a woman somewhere in my age range moved immediately next door to me. She is black. I am, if it isn’t obvious by now, white. I was bringing my dog in when she was moving in, and she said she knew someone would want to say hello. She opened her door, and her own adorable dog ran out. The dogs happily greeted each other. I was happy and even harbored visions in the moment of exchanging keys with my new neighbor and helping each other with dog walks on occasion. A few weeks passed, I had some travel, and then after I returned, I saw them on the street when I was racing off somewhere, and I cheerily said hello to the dog. Later that day I saw them again and, again, said hello to the dog. My neighbor yanked the dog away from me and my dog and yelled, “Don’t say hi to my dog if you aren’t going to say hi to me.” I was extremely surprised and faintly called after her, “I just really love dogs.”
Prudie, she clearly thinks I’m racist, when I really just love dogs. I have seen her since then and gotten a similar aggressive ignoring response, though no more comments. What can I do? Should I put a note under her door? What should it say? “I’m not racist, I just love dogs” seems a bit reductive, but it is the truth. I usually operate with a fairly high level of emotional intelligence, and I am completely stumped by the appropriate move here. I no longer harbor happy ideas of us becoming neighbor friends. Am I racist and clueless? Help me.
A: I think you are spiraling a little! If you were to run after her and say, “I’m not racist, I just love dogs,” you would not make things better, but you would freak her out. A note would also be overbearing. It’s clear that the possibility that she might think you are a racist is sending you into a panic and your primary goal right now is to get her to reassure you that she doesn’t think you’re racist. I don’t think that’s an appropriate thing to try to extract from her! Even if you are a conscientious and well-intentioned neighbor, there may still be people in your neighborhood who don’t like you or aren’t excited by your presence. You have to accept that, even if part of your soul rebels at the thought of not being able to make someone think well of you. Either way, the best response to what she said would have been, “I’m sorry I was rude. I’ll say hello next time we run into each other.” Not “I just really love dogs.” From now on, if you see her out and about, offer her a quick smile or a brief hello, but take your cues from her. If she seems inclined to be distant, don’t try to force a connection.
Q. Paranoid about my priceless legacy: My beloved father died this year. Most of his estate passed to his second wife, which is good; she’s in poor health and could use it. My legacy was my favorite family item: a beautiful photograph purchased from his college roommate. This man went on to become one of the world’s most renowned photographers. My father left no instructions about what to do with it. I assume he meant for me to keep it.
On the advice of a colleague, I called an auction house to have it appraised for insurance. Their head of photography called me back in an hour—the photo is worth a mint. I have deep sentimental attachment to this picture, but its safety is making me paranoid. Nothing else in my home is valuable, and all I’ve got is a simple door lock. Do I have to install massive security, hide it in the basement, and pay a fortune in insurance? If I hold a party, do I have to watch it all night? What about light and humidity? If I donate it to a museum, will they just dump it in a storage vault? Will I get visitation rights? I’m not asking you to make this decision for me, but could use outside input: If this were your decision, what would you do with the photograph?
A: Get it insured and keep it somewhere you can look at and enjoy it. I do not believe that installing massive security in your home or staring obsessively at it every time you have a party would improve your quality of life. If you’ve never excessively worried about break-ins before, I don’t think you have to start now. Most people—potential burglars and party guests alike—will probably assume that it’s just a print. Ask the auction house if they can recommend anyone who can talk to you about how to best store and display the photograph, but other than that, I think you should treat it like what it is: a beloved family heirloom you enjoy looking at.
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Q. Cut off: I never quite measured up to my older brother: always slower, stupider, less “potential.” He was the shooting star who was going to become a big shot lawyer. I skipped college for trade school. He never passed the bar. I own my own business now. I have learned over a lifetime to let my parents’ words roll off my back.
I am engaged. My fiancée is smart, successful, and from an immigrant family. I love her like I’ve never loved anyone. Over the holidays, my parents started nitpicking her. I lost it when my mother negatively compared my fiancée to my brother’s ex, the one who slept with her married bosses (yes, plural—bosses). I stopped the conversation and told my parents flat-out that if they ever spoke like that about my fiancée again, they would never see us again. They tried to bluster, and we left.
Now they and my brother are complaining that I am “overreacting.” And while my fiancée is glad I defended her, she worries I am going to regret this. I have listened to my mother scream about my brother’s ex being a two-faced whore, but she is still better in their eyes than my beautiful fiancée. They can say what they want about me, but she is off-limits. How can I make myself clear to them, or should I just cut them off?
A: This is an especially heightened situation because I think what you call letting your parents’ words “roll off [your] back” has in fact been “storing a lot of furious resentment into a barely concealed corner of your mind.” Those words were not rolling off of your back at all, and you’ve been building toward a confrontation for a long time now. I don’t know exactly how your parents compared your fiancée to your brother’s ex, but my guess is the reason your family members think you overreacted to it is because you were in fact reacting not only to that comparison, but to every other slight you’ve taught yourself to swallow over the years. I think it’s smart to take a little time to continue cooling off and, when you do revisit the subject with your parents, to be completely honest: “I realize that my response took you by surprise, and the reason it seemed outsized to you in the moment is because I’ve felt like you’ve negatively compared me to my brother for years. It hurts, and it’s constant, and I haven’t said anything about it for a long time. This is part of a pattern, and it needs to change. It’s especially important to me that you don’t compare my fiancée to any exes—mine or my brother’s. Can we agree to that?”
Q. Cousin: My cousin “Fred” and I grew up together. High school was very rough for him, but college is even worse. Fred has always been overweight and struggled with the opposite sex. His high school girlfriend broke up with him when she got accepted to a different college than he did. Fred hasn’t had a date since. He dresses like a slob, doesn’t shave, and does nothing but play video games and watch porn.
He keeps pushing me to set him up with some of my girlfriend’s friends. The problem is Fred has made up some impossible dream that absolutely no girl could ever be, and he refuses to bring anything to the table himself. He won’t work out with me, go get drinks, or join in any group activities to meet any girls, he just keeps pushing for me to “get him a girl.” My girlfriend doesn’t like Fred and says he is “creepy” for talking about things like rating girls within her earshot. She refuses to set him up with her friends. I really don’t know how to help Fred. I feel an obligation to help my cousin, but I am clueless how.
A: You certainly don’t have an obligation to find Fred a girlfriend, no matter how unpleasant high school was for him. If you really want to help him, I think you should be frank: “I can’t set you up with any of my girlfriend’s friends because they don’t like the way you talk about women. If you ever want to come with me to [insert non-dating-related activity here], I’d love for you to join me, but you need to stop asking me to ‘get you a girl.’ ” If Fred isn’t interested in nonromantic socializing, declines to join you in any of your hobbies, and only cares about demanding the delivery of a particular woman to his creepy video games–and-masturbation fort, then you won’t be able to help him until he decides it’s time to change.
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Q. Re: I just love dogs: She may not be a racist, but I don’t care how you spin it, or how tired of talking to people you are, talking to and cooing over a dog and ignoring its owner is rude. Look up and say hello. It’s not that hard.
A: I agree that even leaving this particular incident out of it, you should say hello to a dog’s owner before interacting with their dog, especially because the owner might want to tell you that their dog isn’t friendly or startles easily and that you shouldn’t approach. It’s a good practice to adopt with everyone, and it doesn’t mean you have to love dogs any less.
Q. Forgiving a May-December marriage: A few years ago, one of my closest friends started dating an 18-year-old girl. The relationship creeped me out because even though nothing seemed “wrong,” he was not anywhere close to being 18. I couldn’t see past it, so I pulled away from our friendship. Now it’s several years later, the couple is still together, and they’re talking marriage. The girl is now an age I consider old enough and wise enough to take care of herself, despite the age gap. Was I wrong to judge? They’ve been reaching out for friendship more, and I do miss my friend. Was being creeped out not a good enough reason to pull away? Could things have been happy and healthy this whole time?
A: Being married for a long time does not mean that a relationship is happy and healthy! The mere passage of time does not mean that your friend behaved responsibly and kindly toward a scarcely legal teenager. Just because she is now in her early to mid-20s doesn’t change the fact that she was at a profoundly impressionable and inexperienced age when they met. Many people who have been groomed and preyed upon form long-term, often affectionate relationships with their predators. Nor would a presently happy relationship make what your friend did all those years ago OK. Happiness—or the appearance thereof—now doesn’t cancel out predatory behavior in the past.
Without knowing more about the exact age gap, the circumstances under which your former friend met and began dating this girl, or the current dynamic of their relationship, I’m reluctant to offer specific advice. (It’s also possible that they started dating before she turned 18.) I’ll just say this: You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with; you don’t have to be hostile or condemnatory, especially toward this young woman; but it is healthy to ask questions and begin from a place of skepticism. It’s possible for this young woman to be capable, intelligent, self-sufficient, and in love with her partner, and it’s possible for him to have done something wrong in pursuing her all those years ago.
Q. My father keeps telling me to quit my job! I’m a year into my first job out of college. The job has pros and cons. I certainly wouldn’t say that I love it, but I have learned some valuable lessons. While I plan on leaving eventually, I’ve already decided to stay for at least another year. My father thinks the job is not making full use of my talents (neither do most entry-level positions) and is constantly telling me to quit my job and join the family business. I have complaints about work, as I think most people tend to, but I can’t ever vent to or get advice from him because his response is always: “Just quit.” Obviously, this isn’t helpful, and I’ve told him so. It’s a tense topic between the two of us.
I’ve basically stopped mentioning my job at all to my dad, which is unfortunate because it is the biggest part of my life at the moment. However, he still manages to bring it up in a negative way in almost every conversation we have. For example, I met up with an old classmate who just graduated from nursing school. Later, when talking to my dad about what I did that day, I brought up that my friend was now a nurse, and he said, “Oh, did you know that the starting salary for a nurse is [X amount]? Apparently, it’s higher for night shift nurses! Impressive, right?” To which he said, “She’s making a lot more than you are.” I tried to change the subject, but he kept comparing salaries in my profession to hers. I got annoyed and said, “Yes, I know my salary. You’re not telling me anything I don’t know. There’s no need to keep comparing my salary to my friend’s. That wasn’t the point of the conversation. Can we stop talking about this?” He demanded to know why I was being so sensitive and complained that we couldn’t even hold a conversation without me “purposely picking fights.”
I’m not ashamed of my job or salary, but I also don’t appreciate these constant put-downs and how we end up arguing half the time we talk. How do I deal with my dad?
A: Good for you for resisting the pressure to “join the family business,” where I have no doubt your dad would find a lot of new and exciting ways to pressure you as your boss and as your dad simultaneously. He’s making a pretty terrible pitch for working for him, frankly, if he won’t let the subject drop, hassles you constantly, then accuses you of being the problem. You’ve already explained yourself, heard him out, and asked politely for him to drop it, so I think the next step for you is just to cut conversations short when he pulls this nonsense again. “I’m not having this fight with you again, Dad; let’s talk later.” That probably won’t stop him from complaining, but you can at least decline to participate in these arguments. I’m also a fan of the cheerful nonresponse that offers no resistance for your father to take hold of: “Interesting” or “That’s a good point” or “Maybe you’re right” or “I’ll think about it,” repeated as often as necessary. But he seems like a pretty stubborn dude, and my guess is that he’s going to keep picking this fight until he realizes that it’s limiting the amount of time he gets to talk to you.
Q. Heathen with hurt feelings: One of my best friends, “George,” got married this past weekend. We’ve been friends for about five years. I love his wife, “Alice,” too, who is kind and fun. They are a great match. I was around for a lot of the wedding planning, and I was aware they were planning a traditional Catholic ceremony as this was incredibly important to Alice’s parents and, to a lesser extent, Alice, who is a progressive practicing Catholic. George was raised Catholic but is now not religious. He made it clear to me that the ceremony was for Alice and her family. He expressed often how ironic he found it to be getting married in a Catholic church after he had distanced himself so much from the religion. Though I was expecting a traditional ceremony, I was honestly blown away by how regressive, patriarchal, and homophobic it was. It contained multiple, overt references to marriage as a union for a man and a woman. The theme of the homily was marriage as not about one’s own happiness but about servitude and sacrifice. This not only felt deeply anti-feminist to me, but as someone who recently left a marriage because I was unhappy, it felt like a judgment on my personal choices. I’m still thinking about this ceremony days later. I understand this isn’t really about George—it’s about the views of the Catholic church—but I can’t help but feel some disappointment in George for greenlighting something that would make many of his friends feel uncomfortable.
Should I say something to George about how it made me feel? I feel some obligation to speak up and call out bigotry. But on the other hand, what would come of it besides making my friend feel bad about his wedding? It’s not like he is planning any other wedding ceremonies in the near future.
A: You have grounds to talk about a recent significant ritual you observed with a close friend that doesn’t rest either on being a whistleblower or making him feel bad about himself. You’re not asking him to take his wedding back or to take out an ad in the paper castigating himself. You just want to talk with someone you’ve known well for years about what the religious aspect of his wedding felt like for you. Ask him what it felt like for him and whether he and Alice talked about the explicitly anti-gay aspects of the homily either before or after the ceremony. Tell him about your experience as a member of the audience. Talking about your feelings and revisiting choices in the past is a big component of friendship! You sound thoughtful and like you care about doing the right thing; I doubt very much that you’re going to approach the conversation in such a way that makes George feel attacked. It might even be helpful for him as he thinks about the kind of relationship he wants to have with the Catholic church in the future.
Q. Re: Paranoid about my priceless legacy: You can have a photograph professionally copied. It will look like the original and could then be framed and given pride of place. If you are not in the income bracket to afford insurance (if they would even insure it, given where you live or what kind of place you live in), you could then sell the original. I think the emotions about the father’s legacy would still be there, but the recipient might feel better knowing the original is safe. Dad might even have liked the idea of their child getting a “mint” for the photo.
A: That’s a great option if the letter writer thinks they’ll just panic as long as the print is in the house. But give it a little time before deciding to sell! If you just learned this, you may feel some residual shock; don’t get rid of it hastily, because it has a lot of cherished family associations for you.
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From Care and Feeding
Q. I Think My Mom’s New Husband Is Trying to Groom My Kid: My mom never took my fear seriously when I was a kid. How do I get her to pay attention?
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These Are the Things to Ask Yourself Before Making Your Relationship Official on Social Media – Bravo

Couples in 2019 have big decisions to make, like how to compromise on whose good side wins when it comes to taking joint pictures, or when it’s time to officially take your relationship to the next step … and post those shots on social media.
Sounds like an easy process, but that’s not the case for all couples. The Real Housewives of Atlanta alum Phaedra Parks practically broke the Internet when she posted a photo of herself and a mystery man on social media, spurring lots of speculation on who the guy is and if they were official. Mystery man, Chicago radio host Tone Kapone, came forward about their relationship via an Instagram story a few days later — and confirmed on Jan. 11 that it all started out when he “slid into her DMs.”
While most couples would love a relationship reveal to get “likes” from friends and strangers alike, Rori Sassoon, of Platinum Poire, suggests the best time to go “live” with your relationship, depends on how you both feel about sharing your private life over social media.
“You should definitely hold off on the couple postings until you have what you need to feel secure in the longevity of the relationship or until your relationship is ‘officially, official’,” says Sassoon.
Celeste Viciere, a licensed mental health clinician, says that some people use social media to validate their relationship, but generally speaking social media should never be a formal method used as a way to measure the relationship.
“Finding the right time to post about your relationship should really be a decision you make together with your partner. Though there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ time to put it up, if you do decide to post about your partner, be mindful that you are putting your relationship on public display and opening it up to others’ opinions,” says Viciere.
Before you make a decision or even open up the floodgates and talk about this with your partner, Viciere advises to consider these questions first:
1. Are you doing this because you want everyone to know you’re in a relationship? Keep in mind that if it does not work out, and you change your status to “single” again, people will also know or may ask questions.
2. Are both parties are comfortable with it?
3. Are you going to be expected to continue posting about your relationship?
“There are some relationships where one partner may be more active on social media while the other doesn’t post frequently,” says Viciere. “The other partner choosing not to post on a regular basis should not define the strength of the relationship. Too many times, I have seen relationships take a negative turn once social media is involved. Before taking the plunge by posting about your relationship on social media, have an open conversation with your partner, and do not feel pressured to say yes right away if you are not ready.”
When you’ve answered all the questions above and feel it’s time to start sharing the details of your relationship and the fun you’re having with your partner on social media, before the photos start flowing, there first needs to be a conversation to make sure you both are on the same page.
“Are there blurred lines? If so, I wouldn’t go social media,” says Sassoon. “No one will care if you post your beau later on in the game. Too soon could be a nightmare. The more private you keep your private life in the early stages, the better you’ll be.”
Sassoon says that after you’ve have been dating exclusively for a significant amount of time, you have said the “I love you’s” and you are established as a couple, that’s a good time to have have the conversation to declare your exclusivity and whether you’re both equally ready to post on social media about it.
How in the world do you navigate that conversation? Communication is key.
“Ask them “How do you feel about expressing relationships on social media? — Ask “Are you cool with me posting a photo here or there?” Find out If they are cool with it first, this is the way to go. Express what works for you or what would make you happy,” says Sassoon.
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Does Arnold Schwarzenegger Have a Girlfriend, and Who Has He Dated? – The Cheat Sheet

Arnold Schwarzenegger | Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures
After more than 50 years as a superstar in bodybuilding, acting, politics, and pop culture icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger is still ubiquitous. His relationships have been more than a little troubled, though he may seem tame compared to others.
While Schwarzenegger’s film career has sputtered some in recent years, he’s tried hard to clean up his personal life. After an initially messy split with Maria Shriver, who is he dating now? Will he remarry, or will he just be endlessly dating long into his twilight years?
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s relationships before Maria Shriver
Heading into 2019 like…
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 1, 2019
When first arriving in America around 1968, Schwarzenegger hooked up with an English teacher named Barbara Outland. They were together until 1974, but based on her autobiographical book later, he wasn’t very faithful.
Some might not find this surprising considering his continuing lifestyle afterward. Even so, they did stay close. Arnold even contributed to her book, showing not all tell-all books are derided by the criticized subject.
It was just the beginning of Schwarzenegger’s relationships with various women. His next girlfriend was a hairdresser assistant named Sue Moray. A year later, he happened to meet Maria Shriver at a tennis tournament. In a CBS News interview from 2012, he recalled how he was taken with Shriver immediately. Nevertheless, they didn’t marry for another nine years.
After all these relationships, you have to wonder if Arnold was thinking back to his wild past when tweeting a pic of himself looking over a mountainous landscape while skiing New Year’s Day.
Schwarzenegger’s 25-year marriage to Maria Shriver
Not until 1986 did Schwarzenegger and Shriver marry, maybe proving Shriver wanted to wait a long time to see how Arnold would commit to their relationship.
It seemed like a dream marriage until it was discovered he’d had an affair with their housekeeper during the 1990s, including fathering a secret love child.
Many were shocked when Schwarzenegger and Shriver split in 2011. It seemed to place the former in a daze, including picking up the pieces of his stalled film career.
You could say Schwarzenegger was a little lost then as he attempted a movie comeback. This didn’t keep him from further relationships with women. One prominent woman also revealed a secret affair she had with Arnold.
A secret affair with Brigitte Nielsen
Some of you may remember when actress Brigitte Nielsen came forward to say she’d had a secret affair with Schwarzenegger during the years he and Shriver dated.
With all other stories of his affairs, this hardly seemed surprising, yet it made many wonder if he’d ever had a truly monogamous relationship in his life.
More recently, it seems he’s settled on a new girlfriend, albeit one who’s considerably younger than he is.
Schwarzenegger’s relationship with a physical therapist
There is no magic pill. There are no shortcuts. There are only reps, reps, reps. To be your best, you’re going to have to work your butt off. But we are here to help at @weareladder. Join us: #lifeisaworkout #thereisnomagicpill
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 3, 2019
According to recent reports, Schwarzenegger is involved with a physical therapist named Heather Milligan. She’s also 27 years younger than he is. In Hollywood, these May-December relationships aren’t unusual. Still, who’s to say how long this will last?
With Schwarzenegger out of politics for eight years now, he has more time to focus on a serious partnership. He’s also spending more time with fitness again as witnessed through his Twitter account in endorsing a new lifestyle company he founded called Ladder. They plan to help people reach their fitness goals with the advice of real advisors and experts.
Thanks to Heather Milligan being a physical therapist, they appear to have a lot more in common than he ever did with his previous wives and girlfriends.
The good news is even though he and Shriver split under the worst circumstances, they both see one another often for special events related to their children. Many reports even say they never technically divorced, making them still officially married on paper.
Now 71 years old, we can only hope Arnold Schwarzenegger finds peace in a relationship lasting until his final breath.
Oprah told Serena Williams ‘never let anyone dim your light’: Here’s how to follow that advice – Irish Examiner

Serena Williams is an all-round superwoman. When she’s not winning tennis grand slams, she’s mum to Olympia, wife to Alexis Ohanian and flying the flag for women’s rights and equality.
And she’s opened up in her usual candid way in an interview with Allure magazine, talking about her marriage to Reddit co-founder Ohanian.
In the interview, Williams revealed: “Oprah said, ‘Never let anyone dim your light.’ That really stuck with me. Alexis doesn’t dim my light. He doesn’t try to dim my light. He puts me in the light, even if I don’t want to be. He pushes me to further points I never thought about.
“It always was something that I could see in some relationships — my light would be dimmer. Now I feel like I can shine really bright and still do everything that I want to do.”
It’s advice we should all take – but what if you fear your own light is being dimmed? Here’s how to work out if your partner is letting you shine.
Make sure your partner sees your relationship as a team
Founder. Investor. Author… but #HomeIsWhere I’ve got my most important roles: Papa and partner.— Alexis Ohanian Sr. 🚀 (@alexisohanian) December 18, 2018
We’re not saying your other half should constantly put themselves second, but there’s something to be said for a level of self-awareness that means he or she recognises you are an equal.
Relationship psychologist Susan Quilliam says it’s about them letting you be the light in the room, because they are so proud of you and to be with you.
“There’s an expression: ‘Would you rather be the rabbit or the headlights?’ Do they put you as the rabbit, or the headlights?” she says.
Think about whether your other half lets you shine like the headlights, or whether they put you in a position of fear and shock – like the rabbit.
When they make negative comments about you
Kelly Brook has said she finds it ‘cute’ that boyfriend Jeremy Parisi nicknamed her ‘Balloon’ when she was a size 16 and has also said she first referred to herself as feeling ‘like a balloon’ and he got the word from her. But is a negative nickname ever ok?
A loving partner saying they don’t like what you’re wearing in a caring way (eg they prefer you in outfit a rather than outfit b) is “very different to ‘oh, you’re wearing that again’,” says Quilliam.
It depends on the how and when, she adds: “A silly comment over a glass of wine is one thing, but it’s when – at any point – you say ‘Can you leave that one out today?’ and he says: ‘I’m only joking!’ If you find it hurtful and he carries on doing it, that’s dimming your light.”
If your social calendar is called into question
“You go out one night a week with friends, and it’s met with, ‘You’re always out!’ – no, just no.
“The opposite is a scenario where your partner sits there while you tell a joke he’s heard 14 times but he lets you take the floor,” says Quilliam.
When your career goals go unsupported
It’s hard to juggle work, home and family life and Williams and Ohanian clearly have a lot to juggle, from tennis tournaments to corporate events as well as being parents to Olympia. But Ohanian is often court side to support his wife.
“Saying, ‘What do you want a promotion for – we have a good life, don’t we?’ but it’s important to you: That’s dimming your light,” says Quilliam.
Kate Mansfield is a relationship expert and dating coach and says any partner who makes you feel guilty about wanting space to do your work as opposed to time with them is dimming your light.
And she adds: “Sometimes it’s subtle – monitoring your phone and where you’re going, using guilt and manipulation.”
More extreme dimming (AKA gaslighting)
Hello lovely, essentially it’s about someone you start dating who makes you doubt yourself, puts you emotioanlly ‘out of kilter’, tries to make you feel vulnerable so they gain control – more deets in my Sun column XX #gaslighting #DatingAdvice— Dr Pam Spurr (@DrPamSpurr) June 27, 2018
In more extreme cases, some partners can well and truly turn off the light with their behaviour, says Mansfield.
“They might pretend that they’re ill, or threaten to leave. Some have affairs or make passive-aggressive comments. They might ‘emotionally cheat’ to make you paranoid. Insecurity is the same for men and women – there’s a fear of abandonment.”
Remember it’s a two-way street
Finally, keep in mind that light shining can work both ways. Serena Williams certainly does.
This guy wow he is amazing. I wake up feeling special everyday. He’s the best dad too. @alexisohanian— Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) December 3, 2018
– Press Association