Catholic speed dating event taking place in Dublin pub just in time for Pope's visit

It costs €30 if you pay online or €35 on the night and is being run by Denver Catholic Speed Dating
THE faithful who are flocking to see the Pope have the chance to find love ahead of the visit.
A Catholic Speed Dating event is taking place Thursday night at the Horse Show House, beside the RDS where the World Meeting of Families is taking place.
The speed dating will be held at the Horse Show House in Ballsbridge, Dublin
It costs €30 if you pay online or €35 on the night and is being run by Denver Catholic Speed Dating which boasts of helping to strike up 30 marriages to date.
Organiser Anna Maria Basquez set up the dating organisation in 2011.
And she previously gave this dating advice: “Be conservative during dating, but be liberal in finding someone.
“Love can’t be measured by a formula, so people should always give each other at least two dates to get to know one another.
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Pope Francis will be visiting Dublin at the end of this month
“It’s all based on giving someone a chance. If we use too many existing character traits put together by a machine or an organisation to measure each other by, we can miss the mark.
“If we size people up before even meeting, we are taking ourselves out of God’s path toward someone.
“Each day is such a gift, and you can’t waste that. Always keep your heart open. In our faith, we’re supposed to denounce heartbreak. We’re supposed to understand that God came so that we can have life and have it abundantly.
“I think a lot of us rely on prayer if we’re dating in faith. We think God will sometimes do everything for us — and that can happen — but you have to meet Him in the middle if you really want Him to help you out.
“Love is a choice. If you want to keep God working with you and working for you, you make that choice to honour the virtue of fidelity.”