'Country wedding' held … where else, the hardware store

Customers picking up tomato plants, a shovel, or some drain opener at Leeper Hardware last Wednesday must have done a double-take.
Right there between the scratch feed and the paint department, a wedding was taking place. A wedding? In a hardware store?
Yep. Rick Grey and Roberta Robertson “became one at one” in the early afternoon ceremony, officiated by Leeper employee Rob Toby – Roberta’s cousin and Rick’s best friend since second grade.
The unusual event came about because the couple wanted Rob, an ordained minister, to perform the ceremony on May 2, specifically at 1 p.m. However, because Rob had to work, they wondered if the event could take place at the hardware?
Owner Lisa Williams though Rob was joking when he first approached her about it, but after finding out the couple was serious, it made sense. After all, they wanted a country wedding, and what better location for that than a hardware store?
“Never in the history of the hardware have we had a wedding,” said Lisa, who provided music for the ceremony and joked that the preparations were “exhausting.”
‘Simple country’ might be the best way to explain the wedding theme. The word “L-o-v-e” was spelled out above the doorway where the couple exchanged vows and rings, and the candles used in the Ruth ceremony sat in giant metal nuts – taken from the hardware section. Cake and punch were served afterward to a handful of relatives and friends.
“We wanted something different,” explained Rick, after the couple gave their vows, kissed and skipped toward the registers while Lisa played “We’re Off to See the Wizard” from the Wizard of Oz. “Roberta wanted a fun ceremony, then the traditional, serious ceremony later today,” he continued.
“We had to come where the preacher was … and it’s a good promotion for Leeper’s.”
Both Rick and Roberta lost their spouses to death, so Wednesday’s marriage was the second for each. The ceremony followed a whirlwind courtship of five weeks, after the pair renewed a friendship begun when they were teenagers.
Rob had a hand in the match-making, though it was Roberta who made the first move – asking Rick out on a date to a concert at her church. “I laid out of choir practice that night at my church,” he confessed, sheepishly.
“The sparks were there, but someone put a leaking propane tank to it,” Rick said, summing up their brief courtship.
Wednesday’s simple ceremony was laid-back, and filled with fun. “Don’t you want to go fishing?” joked Rick’s brother, Eddie, as the two watched Roberta make her entrance. When Toby asked for the rings, he was handed two boxes. Opening them, he found candy ring pops instead of the real thing. “Gotcha!” Rick bellowed, as everyone broke into laughter.
Rob didn’t seem surprised at the prank following the ceremony, noting that Rick was voted the “class clown” of their graduating class at Bulls Gap High School.
The rest of the ceremony went according to script, with the minister offering the newlyweds four pieces of advice for a successful marriage: 1) Never go to bed angry; 2) Learn the wisdom of compromise; 3) Believe in your spouse, and confide in each other daily; and 4) Tell your spouse “I love you” every day – not only with words, but with actions.
The Greys said they will make their new home together in the Lowland area of Hamblen County. And they’ll have fond memories of their marriage ceremony at Leeper’s … every time they come in for some plants, a shovel, or some drain opener.