Dating 101: How to make a great first impression – QWEERIST

The Internet has transformed the way people communicate and fall in love. Over the last few years, online dating has increasingly become a more popular and comfortable way of meeting a future partner.
However, in spite of the fact that online dating allows meeting new friends and even a mate easier than ever, it doesn’t always lead to love.
Here are four of the main signs that your online dating might be leading to more serious relationships.
1. Frequent communication
When you try online dating, you should realize that you will encounter a lot of people. But if you find someone who is consistent with the frequency of communication, you’re a lucky person.
It means that perhaps you’re the only person who your new online friend is talking to. Keep up with the conversation, find out what interest you have in common and such frequent communication may soon result in a further romantic relationship.
2. Small things and little events
If you feel a need to write about some funny things that have happened recently and, in turn, you hear similar from who you’re talking to, this means that you like talking with the person and sharing the tiniest things and smallest events happen in your life.
This comfortable correspondence is also a true sign this online relationship can transform into love over time.
3. Shutting down your online dating profiles at the same time
It is a crucial sign upon which your future relationship depends. If you both get offline at the same time, that really means something.
This could mean that you’re both taking things seriously, but it is worth talking to one another about it first. Just so that nobody gets the wrong idea.
4. Readiness to take a call or meet face to face
When you start thinking that you want to hear their voice or even have a face to face meeting, then sparks could be about to fly.
Getting to know each other in a more personal setting will be able to help you figure out whether something could be about to happen.
Online love and date face to face
Trying to find true love through dating sites can be tough at times. You need to understand that things run a little differently, and that may take a while for you to get used to.
One of the big issues when it comes to dating apps is the ability to pick out the truth from the exaggerated. It often happens that people stretch the truth when it comes to their age, weight, height, income as well as even marital status. Often so, this can lead to great frustration.
Compared with meeting someone face to face, you’ll be able to get a better impression of the person and separate the truth from the lies.
How to date someone online?
For some people, online dating is the only way to find their soul mate because of their busy schedule. If you’re among them, here are some useful tips on how to date someone online.
Be unique: This is the most important rule, try not to be too boring and typical – set yourself apart from the crowd. For example, add your favourite song to share an insight into your tastes or mention a proud moment in your life.
Don’t use clichés and emoticons: Keep your smiley faces to a minimum, as overuse can make you look childish. Sticking to a small handful will show personality, but you don’t want to be seen as someone who can’t be taken seriously.
Keep it fresh: Having a few photos on your profile, ideally recent and clear ones, will let your possible suitors see what you’re about and will increase the likelihood of success. Incorporating your hobbies in your photos will also show off any possible interests in common and help make that first impression really count.
Signs they just aren’t interested
It can be difficult to spot the interested from the not-so-interested, but if you’re going to want to get the most out of your online dating experience then it’s important to not take things to heart – especially when it involves someone who might just not be so into you.
In order not to get frustrated, being able to spot a few tell-tale signs will help filter out who is worth your time and who isn’t.
When they don’t ask you questions: Questions help to know each other better. If they don’t ask you anything, then they’re not worth your time. If they can’t be bothered getting to know you at the beginning of a potential match, imagine what they’ll be like later on down the line…
When they message you but never want to meet: If they’re just looking for someone to help them waste their time, then it’s time to move on if you’re looking for something more serious. Otherwise, you’ll just be fed excuses to avoid meeting you.
According to official statistics, one in five romantic relationships will now begin online.
Moreover, it is estimated that by 2040, 70 % of us will have started the relationships with our significant others online. If only we all possessed enough knowledge to make it successfully.