“Dear John: I'm an extrovert, but my boyfriend always needs alone time”

John Aiken is a relationship and dating expert featured on Nine’s hit show Married At First Sight. He is a best-selling author, regularly appears on radio and in magazines, and runs a private practice in Sydney and exclusive couples retreats.
Every Saturday John joins 9Honey exclusively to answer your questions on love and relationships.
If you have a question for John, email: dearjohn@nine.com.au.
Dear John,
I’m a very extroverted person who loves to be with people. My boyfriend, on the other hand, is an introvert who needs alone time to recharge. Because of this, it can sometimes feel a bit upsetting when he chooses to spend time alone instead of with me. I know it’s just because we are different people, but I can’t help but feel a little off about it. We already have really busy schedules so any potential time feels precious.
Any advice on how to handle this?
JOHN: In short, you’re going to need to suck it up. Everyone comes with a package. For instance, some people are workaholics, some are divorced with kids, some have overinvolved mothers, some have chronic back pain, and some may travel a lot for their business. In your case, you have a guy who happens to be quiet and introverted. He enjoys his own company and isn’t into small talk. If you really want this to work, then you’re going to need to embrace this.
I often hear disgruntled people tell me that they’re angry because their partner won’t change. They admit they knew they were different going into the relationship, but thought they could be ‘trained’. When this doesn’t happen, all hell breaks loose. With your relationship, you’re struggling with the fact that he’s not like you and that there’s no change in sight.
‘I love being around other people. My partner doesn’t.’ (Netflix)
The fact is, for a relationship to work there needs to be a healthy balance of separateness and togetherness. In your case, you like more one-on-one time with your partner, whereas he prefers doing his own thing. You like to socialise and he doesn’t. You’re not going to change this. Instead, you need to embrace it and look for ways to enjoy the difference rather than to wish it could be different.
My advice here is to let him have his down time in his cave to re-charge his batteries. After all, he’s going to get it whether you like it or not. While he’s doing this, spread your wings and socialise with your family and friends, and pursue your hobbies and interests. Then, when he’s ready to come out and connect, schedule in some time with him to do this. That way he gets his ‘man time’ and you get your ‘together time’. It might not be as much as you want, but at least you can stay busy during his downtime, and when you are together, he will be open, present and happy to engage with you.
Dear John,
I have been struggling in my relationships for several years. My partner has deep anger and simply doesn’t get along with anyone. I resent him for pushing away my eldest children, I no longer have friends, and my family don’t like him.
We have two children, aged 5 and 3, and our eldest is autistic. My partner clashes with him terribly – they both make each other very anxious, and all the years of therapy comes undone within five minutes. I feel entrapped because he holds the key financially and I raise the children. He doesn’t withhold money but knows I can’t survive without his wage. I feel lost and like I’m a fraction of the person I used to be emotionally.
The first thing I want to say to you is how proud I am of all your efforts so far. Clearly this has been a major problem in your relationship and you’ve made every effort to reach out for help. You’ve been proactive and sought professional advice on how to deal with his anger and prickly social style. Well done!
WATCH: Fellow MAFS expert Mel Schilling explains the difference between healthy and unhealthy fighting. (Post continues.)
Unfortunately, it appears this hasn’t worked. Throughout the process, you’ve lost your friends, your family have stepped away, you’re losing touch with your eldest son and your own self-esteem and confidence have also disappeared. So it’s time to shake things up. If you want different you’ve got to do different, and that means something has to give.
At present I’m not sure how problematic his angry behaviour really is, and how safe you are as a family? So I would go to your GP immediately and tell them about your situation. Explain in detail what behaviour is happening and the impact it’s having on you all. From there, they should be able to assess the best next steps for you all, and if you need counselling – then it’s time to try someone new with a different approach. It could be that you’re in real need of a family therapist rather than a couple’s therapist, so ask your GP about this. By going to them, you’re gaining their support and expertise, but you’re also creating an opportunity of getting a new outcome, whereby you may be able to re-build your family unit, your relationship and your overall levels of individual self-esteem. And if they suggest you need to move out, they can support you throughout this process.
Dear John,
I’m 28 and hanging out regularly with a guy for the last six months. I think he’s great and could see myself being with him long term. It’s more than friends with benefits, but we haven’t had ‘the talk’ yet. How do I bring it up and get us out of this ‘relationship limbo’?
JOHN: I have to say I’m a little surprised you’re still in limbo after six months. You’re 28 and usually the big talk will have happened by this stage, so I can absolutely understand why you want to push this along now. You need some clarity about your relationship, and having this talk will flush out his real intentions.
There always comes a time when you’ve got to have ‘the talk’ about exclusivity and long-term relationship goals. This will differ for all couples, but it will usually be influenced by how old you are, how long you’ve been together, your overall compatibility, and your need for commitment. After 6 months together and being 28 years old, you’re ready to get serious and move this forward. The longer you wait, the more anxious and insecure you’re going to become. So it’s time to jump in.
‘It’s more than friends with benefits, but we haven’t had the talk yet.’ (Screen Gems)
When bringing this up, I think it’s a good idea to initially be playful and lighthearted about it all. Pick a time when you’re alone, uninterrupted, feeling close with one another, and preferably outside of the bedroom. Ask him, “So what are we doing here with us?”, “Where do you see the two of us headed?”, “How are you feeling about the future?” and “Where do you want to head with this?” These types of openers should get him talking and hopefully he’ll leap right up to the plate and commit.
However, if he gives you vague, cute and non-committal responses, like “I don’t know what you mean?”, “I haven’t given it much thought”, “I’m just a ‘now’ guy, I don’t like to plan ahead” and “Why, what do you want?”, then be more direct. Tell him you need a clear commitment from him now about his exclusivity, his relationship expectations and his long-term plans. This should get you on the same page immediately, and if he still can’t tell you, he doesn’t see you as a long-term option.
If that’s the case, I’m afraid you need to take a deep breath and move on. He was never going to commit.
The opinions expressed in this column are for general informational purposes only, are based on limited information and are not professional advice. You should always seek your own professional advice for your circumstances. Any actions taken are the sole responsibility of the reader, not the author or 9Honey.
**Some questions may have been edited down.