Dear John: 'My boyfriend wants to keep our relationship secret' – 9Honey

John Aiken, is a relationship and dating expert featured on Nine’s hit show Married At First Sight. He is a best-selling author, regularly appears on radio and in magazines, and runs exclusive couples’ retreats.
Every Saturday John joins 9Honey exclusively to answer your questions on love and relationships.
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Dear John,
A friend and I started dating and recently split up. We were friends for years and only dated for three months. He gave me the idea that he wanted it to be really chill with no strings attached but, to be honest, I was happy to have more.
Knowing that he wanted it to be casual and nothing more serious, I ended it. I think he agreed it wasn’t working out and assumed we’d continue being friends from there — We always swore that we’d remain friends, regardless of whether or not our romantic relationship worked out.
However, since we broke up I haven’t heard from him.
First, I texted later that day (of the break up) and then the day after but still haven’t heard from him. I feel really hurt. I feel like I have lost a friend and also feel like he didn’t mean it when he said we would remain friends. I don’t know whether to try and contact him again or to just give him space?
The thought of having lost him forever is just too hard to deal with. I feel sad every day because we went from talking every day to nothing and I don’t understand how he can do that. How do I start talking to him again?
‘He’s gone completely silent when we said we’d remain friends’ (Getty)
Put simply – you don’t. You’ve learnt a very important lesson here, and you need to move on now knowing that you tried to have a relationship with a guy who wasn’t into commitment. I know that’s probably hard to hear, but you essentially wanted more and he didn’t. So rather than trying to keep talking with him, step back and accept the facts. Sever all contact with him, learn from this and focus on getting involved only with guys who want long-term.
It’s so important to remember that when you’re dating, the people that you meet will always reveal themselves. They will tell you who they are and what they want. In your case, he told you he only wanted to ‘chill’ and keep things casual. Translated – he’s not into having a long-term relationship. It’s more about the sex. And as it turned out, he was true to his word. No surprises. So when it ended, he simply cut contact and moved on.
This is a painful experience that you must learn from. You need to be disciplined now about looking out for red flags. And one of the biggest signs a guy is going to hurt you is if he tells you early on that he’s not into anything serious. The problem that you had was that you thought he would change. You hoped that his talk of friendship and the time you spent together would mean he could fall in love with you. It doesn’t work that way. What a guy tells you early on is the truth – and you need to be listening.
In saying all of this, I don’t want you to beat yourself up for what’s happened. We’ve all fallen for someone who didn’t love us back. It’s all part of the learning process, and you will survive this. It’s not a failure, but rather it shows flaws in him and has made you more clear about what you need and want in your next partner. Hold you head up high and remind yourself that you’re a catch. There are plenty of guys that you will meet in the future that are mature enough for a long-term relationship – he just wasn’t one of them.
Dear John,
My girlfriend and I are in the process of moving out together but we’re having a tough time trying to negotiate – and support each other’s “deal breakers” for where we want to live. I ideally want to move closer to my office, but she wants to same in the same area that she currently lives in where her friends and family are. I also want to try and move somewhere cheaper to save money to buy our own house, she wants to live somewhere out of our current price range – she doesn’t seem to be concerned about saving for our future? In fact, I think she has a problem dealing with her money and it’s something we’ve argued about before.
She told me that she’s already had to make sacrifices in the past deal with long travel times to and from work and believes that I just need to make my own “sacrifices” now and put up with it too. It’s causing arguments and a bit of resentment because I feel like neither of us really want to budge on our personal “deal breakers” but every time we discuss it, it turns into a fight.
How can we discuss it in a positive way and move forward with something that works for both of us?
‘We can’t come to an agreement on where we want to live’ (Getty)
I think the time for polite negotiation is over. You mentioned that you’ve been in gridlock for some time and you argue about the same ‘dealbreakers’ around where you want to live. Translated – the time for talking is over. Somebody is going to have to suck it up and compromise. And from where I’m sitting it’s going to need to be you. She’s made sacrifices in the past, and now it’s your turn to step up.
I’m sure that’s not what you wanted to hear, but I’m going on what you’re telling me. She’s pointed out very clearly that she’s had enough of compromising and making sacrifices for you. She’s not going to do this anymore and you need to listen. She’s hit her threshold and she’s done. So you have a choice here. Jump on board and say ‘yes’ to her, or watch her walk away.
The question you need to be asking yourself now is how you really feel about her? Because this will determine your ultimate decision. If you’re in love with her and want a long-term commitment, then you’re going to smile and compromise and do what she says. If on the other hand, you don’t see a long-term future with her, then you have your answer. What she’s asking you to do is too extreme and you’re going to let her go and move on.
If I’m you, I would jump in and give it go. Be the one to compromise and say ‘yes’ to her. What have you got to lose? So what if you find out down the track that it was all too hard and things didn’t work out. It’s a learning experience, you had to do this to really find out if she was the one. Move to where she wants to live, commit to her and then watch what happens. My hope is that it all works out really well and the things you worried about didn’t turn out to be so important after all. Regardless, it’s all on you – she’s going to live where she wants – are you going to be there to share it with her?
Dear John,
I am a 36-year-old single parent to one child. I have been separated from my husband for three years and have 100% care of my son. In the early stages of my separation, an old ‘flame’ surfaced. He contacted me on social media, we chatted for a month or so before meeting for a coffee. We did become physically intimate but he soon learned his partner was four months pregnant, so he broke it off.
Three months into the child’s life he contacted me and asked to see me and things basically picked up where they left off. We were on and off for a while but again, he broke off our relationship to try and make things right between the mother of his child.
I took that opportunity to work on myself. I learnt many things about myself and after about 6 months, I met someone. A new partner who fed all the needs I craved in the previous encounter with this man. It was wonderful and he thought I was the bee’s knees.
Regrettably, that relationship ended. However, I was calm in ending it. I respected him and he respected me, we remain friends.
Then, in July of last year the other guy and I reconnected. I was sure I was over it but after some time I agreed to meet for a coffee and hand-on-heart felt no emotion (apart from nerves after not seeing him for 1.5 years) for him. I sat and asked him with a genuine interest how his child was and his relationship, and everything that had been happening in the time since we last saw each other.
In late September he contacted me telling me his relationship had ended again, they were now living apart and they were managing the care of their daughter on an ad hoc basis. We agreed to get back together and take things slowly, on the condition his ex-partner doesn’t find out.
I have become unsettled with the secrecy he has placed on me/us. He maintains that should his child’s mother find out about me then it would hinder his time with his daughter. However, I would like for the relationship to progress — to get to know his friends, his family and eventually introduce our children.
Feeling like someone’s secret is making me question my worth and my importance in his life. I do not wish to remain a secret because she may not handle the news of him moving on well. I do not wish to upset her, and I certainly do not want to add pressure on him and have it impact his time with his daughter, but at what point to I put my needs first?
I need a neutral perspective on the relationship. I don’t like the way I feel about being a secret. I also understand his concern about his daughter and have avoided forcing this because I know she is his absolute priority.
I am supportive of a private relationship — I don’t want a social media announcement — but I also want the opportunity to move forward.
‘My boyfriend insists on keeping our relationship a secret’ (Getty)
I’m going to be very blunt with you because you need some home truths. The man you have chosen to go back with time and time again has not changed. He has no interest in being in an open and transparent relationship with you, and this ‘semi relationship’ you currently have with him is never going to progress. He will continue to keep you secret from everyone close to him and he’s not discussing it with you because in his mind there is no compromise. So it’s your move now, stay and put up with this treatment (with no more complaints) or leave and get better.
This is not confusing or difficult to understand. He has been consistent with you ever since you’ve known him. He will not commit to you. He will not prioritise you. He will not introduce you his nearest and dearest. He will not change. He has been who he has always been, and regardless of your protests for more, he will not progress this relationship. The confusion for me is why you still stay and hope for different?
I don’t mind if you decide to continue to see this guy, but you have to take some responsibility now for what you’re doing. You’re choosing to be with a guy who is never going to commit to you and make your relationship public. That’s OK, but stop thinking it’s ever going to be different. Just suck it up and accept that this is all he’s ever going to give you. It’s been long enough now for you to know that this is as good as it gets – so embrace it, rather than complain about it.
And while I’m on it, be open with all your friends and family about it. When they ask you why you’re with a guy like this, smile and say because “I want to be with a partner who doesn’t commit and hides me from the world. It’s the best I can do.” I want you to be loud and proud about the man you’ve chosen to get involved with.
Now if this doesn’t sit well with you (and let’s be honest – it shouldn’t), then it’s time to start being more loving to yourself. Rather than accepting that this guy is your soul mate, cut all contact and move on. Open yourself up to meeting a new guy who is going to treat you well and who can meet your needs. Either way, you need to get on with things and stop playing the victim role in this. If you want to stay that’s fine – no more expecting him to change. Otherwise, go get better from someone who’s wants to show you off to the world!
The opinions expressed in this column are for general informational purposes only, are based on limited information and are not professional advice. You should always seek your own professional advice for your circumstances. Any actions taken are the sole responsibility of the reader, not the author or 9Honey.
Some questions have been edited for publication.