Essential advice from a feminist conservative pastor!

Summary: A Pastor’s advice shows the power of radical feminism, the decay of Christianity, and why so many young men are having difficulty relating to women.
“How to Be a Happy Husband: Advice to a 15-year-old Son“
By J.D. Greear, pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, NC.
“This is great advice for all the 15-year-olds out there, a helpful template for all the parents out there, and a much needed reminder to all the husbands out there!
{Much of his advice is conventional. Here are his unconventional recommendations.}
- “Don’t date just for fun.
- Look for a wife, not a girlfriend.
- Honor girls now by refusing to join in disrespectful banter that will occur with your friends.
- Assume that your girlfriend may be someone else’s future wife.
- Remember that your girlfriend is someone’s daughter and sister.
- Learn how to have conflict.
- Develop the skill to resolve conflict with compassion.
- Apologize (and don’t expect an apology).
- Demand respect for your wife, not from your wife.
- Never ever sleep on the couch. If necessary, sleep on the floor outside the bedroom door.“
This advice is so bad as to defy rational analysis. Let’s create alternative subtitles for it. Post your suggestions in the comments!
How to become a beta orbiter, then marry as a beta provider,
ending as a divorced beta provider.
Why Christian churches are filled with children, women, and the elderly.
Feminism is winning. Even Christian conservatives have been converted.
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Most women want to have fun and build their careers for a decade before marriage. It is nuts to tell a 15 year old to ignore this fact. Also, there is little evidence that “learning to have conflict” improves marriages.
More important – Not all women want bad boys (aka men with dark triad behaviors) — although many do (e.g., that’s one reason Taylor Swift’s songs are so popular with women). But few women want a doormat for a husband. Most women find “pedestal polishers” a bore. I’ll bet most women consider it creepy for a husband to sleep on the floor outside the door after a fight, like a dog.
Most important – this advice is antimatter to a young man’s pride. Without pride, he is toast. A sensible 15-year-old young man will listen carefully, then conclude that Pastor Greear is a loon.
Pastor Greear is modern pastor!
Many conservative christian leaders have gone full radical feminist, showing the power of the feminist movement in America. Dalrock has documented this in a series of terrifying posts. Their beliefs range from ascriptural to contra-scriptural, but are quite PC.
See Dalrock’s posts about wife worship servant leadership (aka Women on Top), and the mutant variant of Complementarian theory (aka Women On Top, unlike the usual version). Here are few introducing you to this doomed religious movement. See it before it goes extinct!
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