How do I be a 'Noble Badass' with Today's #metoo Movement?

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Does the ‘me too’ movement mean your advice needs to be revised? Quite the opposite, reports Relationship Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt…

Question: Allana, I watched your video called ‘3 ways to be a noble bad ass.’ Looking at today’s women and how they act incorporating today’s ‘me too’ movement, would you reanalyze the advice you’re giving to men, do you believe the advice provided is still usable or does it need to be adapted?

Answer: This is such a great question and really speaks to your integrity and wanting to be noble, present and aware. However, to me the movement only makes my advice more important than ever before.

A man’s in his nobility when he’s in his heart, conscious and present. When he’s spinning in his head in doubt, hesitancy or insecurity, he’s in fear and doesn’t act from his masculine grandeur.

The second part I referred to in that video was penetrating her with your eyes and awareness, your heart and kindness, and your pelvis and sacred sexual energy. Again, that hasn’t changed whatsoever. If anything this is the most important part.

Women that I know, coach and befriend…don’t want to be treated as a piece of meat, they want to be acknowledged as a work of art. They want to be protected and provided for, to be seen for their brilliance and their softness, they want to feel safe in your nobility, and they want to be opened wide, reverently ravished into surrender in their feminine energy, honored for the Goddess that they are.

The third piece was about was embracing your vulnerability. Conscious women can feel if you’re present, grounded and centered in your body… or if you’ve shut down, pulled away and are afraid to speak your truth. So vulnerability is more important now than ever.

And vulnerability is not a weakness but strength, it’s an authentic transparency where you put down your walls and deeply know one another while being deeply known by another. It’s what I believe we are deeply crave.

A great place to learn more about all that I teach in that video and confirm in this video is on my men’s site, with my complementary men’s training right there at the top… Called ‘How to be a noble badass.’

The ‘me too’ movement from my perspective is a real call for a man’s nobility and honoring of a woman’s sacred sexuality and an awakening of his grandeur that naturally desires to protect and provide safety, support and reverence for the feminine 🙂

In turn, I also coach women to see themselves as a work of art, not a piece of meat. To see their sexuality as sacred, not a manipulation, to soften, open and be grateful for a man’s support and appreciation, and while they can still accomplish, collaborate, choose and create magnificence… to also value the creative ideas, radiant inspiration and inspiring tenderness that is part of their true feminine nature and frankly… is the energy that heals the world.

Lean into challenge, be like iron in the fire.

Let the ‘me too’ movement bring out the best in you…

your respect for self, for women and for healthy thriving intimate relationships.

Huge blessings, Allana xoxo

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Deliciously yours, Allana xoxo