Love guru gives advice on being successful when dating

FINDING the one seems to be hard for anyone, but for people living in the region, it seems they’re taking a more personal and honest approach to dating.
For prospective entrants of The Observer‘s Gladdy Love Match competition, that attitude will come in handy.
Gladstone love guru Mitchell McAulay-Powell said “be yourself” when applying for Gladdy Love Match.
“You don’t have to have a dramatic story, you don’t have to live in a crazy life,” Mr McAulay-Powell said.
“It’s really about being honest and actually sharing stuff that people might find interesting.”
How you can enter
He has advice for prospective Gladstone bachelors who are looking to enter Gladdy Love Match.
“With the guys – we have a big population of guys who are cheeky,” Mr McAulay-Powell said.
“They have to make a choice.
“It’s all well and good to be a larrakin but are you going to be the funny guy, or are you going to be that person that sits down and actually has a serious conversation.”
He wants prospective bachelorettes to put themselves out there for the competition.
“The ladies in Gladstone are absolutely fantastic,” Mr McAulay-Powell said.
“There are so many single ladies out there, they actually want to connect with people.”
Singles in Gladstone are also doing away with dating phone apps like Tinder, preferring in-person connections.
Entries for the Gladdy Love Match close this Friday, October 19.