Podcast and Broadcast Become One in Collaboration Between Anna Faris and iHeartMedia

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If there’s anything people in relationships want, it’s iffy advice from perfect strangers. Now, broadcast radio listeners across the country will be able to tune in for unsolicited and highly questionable dating advice, thanks to a partnership between Anna Faris and iHeartMedia. The company and Faris have joined forces to bring her podcast, “Anna Faris is Unqualified,” to iHeartMedia’s listeners.

On “Unqualified,” Faris and co-host Sim Sarna discuss the ins and outs of dating, alongside various celebrities and cultural icons, and offer up dubious relationship advice to callers.

“I am absolutely thrilled to be partnering with iHeartMedia to bring ‘Unqualified’ to millions of new listeners,” said Faris. “At ‘Unqualified,’ we pride ourselves on generally not knowing what we are doing, and it seems iHeart is willing to accept our values and form this expansive partnership with us. Being able to embarrass Sim to millions of new listeners is simply a dream come true.”

“Unqualified” is also collaborating with iHeartRadio’s podcast network on bringing exclusive content to iHeartRadio’s listeners. The initiative is aimed at bringing awareness of podcasts to broadcast listeners who may not otherwise be exposed to the medium.

“We are so excited to introduce our podcast to millions of new listeners that may not have known that Anna Faris had a podcast, or even what a podcast is,” said Sarna. “We hope that by working with iHeartMedia, we can give even more people deeply unqualified advice.”