Rachel Riley Twitter: Countdown star dishes out bizarre bedroom advice

Countdown host Rachel Riley, 32, took part in Channel 4’s Celebrity Call Centre earlier this week, where she acted as an agony aunt and answered questions about relationships.
One of Rachel’s calls was from a female caller who asked how she could tell her boyfriend about her sexual history.
After the show, Rachel, who is in a relationship with Strictly Come Dancing star Pasha Kovalev, 38, responded to further questions from viewers.
A Twitter user claiming to be the female who called her on the show tweeted Rachel saying: “Sat next to my bf now and he’s like ‘well what’s the number’ I’m like Rachel told me not to say.”(sic)
Rachel responded with her thoughts, suggesting the Twitter user could tell her boyfriend the answer in a form of maths.
In view of her 587,000 followers, she replied: “Or you could tell him in the form of a sum, if he really wants to know, make him work for it #CelebrityCallCentre.”
During the phone call, Rachel also said she would rather someone had slept with fewer people rather than more.
She told the caller: “I’d be happier if it was three and not loads more, I don’t think you’ve got anything to gain really.”
Speaking on the show to camera, Rachel revealed she doesn’t think people need to let their partners know about their previous sexual partners.
She said: “There is no way I would ever reveal the number of partners I’ve had, it’s just private.
“Why would people want to share that?”
Another Twitter user praised Rachel for her advice to a caller who was having relationship doubts.
A social media user wrote: “I very much support the @RachelRileyRR approach to advice: DUMP HIM #celebritycallcentre.”
Sharing the tweet, the maths whizz penned: “Yep! No one should settle for always being second best, surely? #CelebrityCallCentre.”
Meanwhile, Rachel has been fronting Countdown since 2009 when she took over from Carol Vorderman, 57.
Earlier this month, Rachel joked that her co-host Nick Hewer, 74, could ruin her career with his outbursts.
During a discussion on the show about a previous job, she turned to the host and said: “Now I work with you Nick, it’s the most dangerous of them all.”
Laughing, Nick responded: “It’s not dangerous,” to which Rachel replied: “You never know what’s going to come out of your mouth.”
“But it’s not going to kill you is it,” Nick responded.
Rachel replied: “Well you never know, it could kill my career.”
Countdown airs weekdays on Channel 4 at 2:10pm.