Relationship expert reveals his top 10 tips for dating success – Mirror Online

If you’re hoping 2019 could be the year you finally find love – then you’re in luck.
Dating expert, the Fairy Godfather, has come up with the top 10 tips all women need to read to make romance as successful as possible.
With the raft of apps on offer, it’s never been easier to make contact with a potential new partner.
But with that come a range of pitfalls.
Dating expert, The Fairy Godfather, is making it his mission to help women navigate the romance minefield.
The Fairy Godfather wants to make women’s dating experiences easier
And now he has come up with the top 10 tips to guarantee successful dating.
Fairy Godfather, who prefers to go by his alter ego, started his mission to make women happy daters back in 2011.
Out of the blue he sent a woman he had been chatting to a message.
It turned out she had been on the way to commit suicide and his words made her stop and turn around.
He said: “We later met, I gave her a big hug and she told me something that stuck with me, she said ‘you have a gift’ and from then on I decided I wanted to help women.

Dating can be a minefield but the Fairy Godfather has some tips for making the most of it (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
“I want to achieve a better enviornment for women to date in.”
Fairy Godfather explains that before internet dating, the odds were firmly in women’s favour.
But the explosion in popularity with apps such as Tinder has blown that out of the water.
He said: “When Tinder exploded in 2012 everyone became easily espendable, mirroring the throw away society we live in.
“Men could speak to multiple women at once at the touch of a button and so to beat the competition, women started giving what hadn’t been earned, thinking it would keep the man.
“Men realised if they lied or manipulated women they could get sex very easily.
“I’m giving advice that can turn back the clocks to a pre tinder state of dating and that will only be done by women taking the lead and following these simple steps that may go against their natural urges, it about being mindful and thinking logically.”

Follwing some simple rules means you’ll gt the most out of dating (Image: Getty Images/Blend Images)
Fairy Godfather’s top 10 tips for dating success
- Don’t reply to messages straight away, this is all about dopamine and scarcity principle. As soon as you reply straight away, you become predictable, which takes away anticipation and that plays a huge factor in the build up of dopamine in the brain.
- Don’t have expectations in men you hardly know, a man must be consistently persistent over time with actions matching words and that doesn’t happen in the first couple of dates.
- Never give what’s not been earned (that includes sex, time and trust). When you give what’s not been earned you set yourself up for a huge fall. It always hurts more.
- Don’t have sex until you know a man well. That will involves daily communication and at least four dates to all be in the public eye. There are many reasons why but the main two are it’s a huge part of the chase.
- Make sure your intentions match. As soon as you find out they don’t then you need to sever all ties. Don’t think you’re the exception, if you’re just a sexual conquest that won’t change in to a long-term relationship. The only time in tends change is when you go from a possible long-term prospect to a sexual conquest. Never the other around.
- Block all men that are longer a part of your life. That doesn’t make you petty or rude, it’s about self preservation.
- If dating becomes all consuming then understand it’s OK to take a break. Like they say, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” .
- Be self aware, know your worth and make sure you’re ready to date and date for the right reasons. Don’t date because you’re lonely or heartbroken, date when you’re ready to.
- Make sure you have boundaries that include not replying to messages after 10pm and making sure that all dates are set well in advance (at least four days). If you’re the last minute lover you’re probably the last thing on his mind. Save spontaneity until you’re at least exclusive.
- Make sure the first date is a one hour coffee/non alcoholic date. That one hour stops alcohol clouding the mind and lowering inhibitions and of course it’s safer.
Follow the Fairy Godfather on Instagram here.