Roman Catholic diocese salutes long-term marriages

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Arlington on Oct. 14 held its annual Marriage Jubilee Mass at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More.
A total of 114 couples celebrating their 50th anniversary and 108 couples celebrating their 25th anniversary participated in the Mass, overseen by Bishop Michael Burbidge.
“It is always a great joy for me to celebrate the Mass honoring husbands and wives celebrating 25, 50 and even more years of faithful married love,” Burbidge said. “It is my hope and prayer that the love they share will grow stronger with the passing of each new day.”
Among those participating were Jesus and Sylvia Cota, who have been married for 50 years.
“Time has gone by so fast,” Sylvia Cota said.
Her advice for a long and successful marriage? “Respect each other. When you argue, do not use foul language and do not say things in the heat of the moment.”