Seminar on violence in teen dating – Eagle 99.3 FM WSCH

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Local and state groups are working together to offer a free teen dating violence seminar and training for parents and guardians in Versailles this month.

The Indiana Youth Institute, Southeastern Indiana Voices for Children and the Ripley & Jefferson County Prevent Child Abuse Group are sponsoring the training, which will be led by Safe Passage Inc. 

The seminar will provide background and basics on teen dating violence and provide tips for how to begin conversations about relationships with children and teens. 

Statistics provided by the organizers say that “one in three youth, aged 13-24 will be in an unhealthy relationship; that 60 percent of local teens say they would turn to a parent for help; that only 33 percent of teens, who were in a violent relationship, ever told someone; that 82 percent of parents feel they can recognize the signs if their child was experiencing dating abuse, yet a majority (58 percent) could not correctly identify all the warning signs.” 

The event is open to the public. 

Those who wish to attend do not have to be parents or guardians- grandparents, teachers, employers, pastors and anyone else in contact with teens could benefit from the seminar. 

If interested RSVP to by Jan.11

The event runs from 6:00am to 8:00am on the following dates.
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