The best piece of advice I have gotten about planning my wedding –

This past week marked a special, albeit slightly scary, milestone in the wedding planning process for us.
A few days ago, we officially hit seven-months-to-go until the big day – which has, for some reason, made the whole thing seem like it’s creeping up incredibly fast.
And with the mini-milestone making things more ‘real’, it’s made me think about the start of the planning process – and, in particular, a game-changing piece of advice.
When I was growing up, I never really pictured what my wedding day would look like – and, to be honest, I thought that was a good thing.
After all, it made it a clean slate, right?
When my fiancé, Sam, proposed, I soon realised how wrong I was: it meant I actually had no idea of where to start with the planning process.
After stacks upon stacks of bridal magazine, and hours spent scrolling through Instagram for wedding #inspo, and I was still at the same place: without a vague idea of where to start.
I’ve gotten better since then. Or I think so, anyways.
Over the last few months, I’ve become a lot more confident – and a lot more self-assured – about the wedding planning process.
And it’s all down to one particular piece of advice I got near the start of the wedding planning process.
Don’t stress. It’s all going to work out.
Which sounds cliché, and a lot easier said than done – especially when wedding planning.
And at times, it’s been nearly impossible to follow the advice (or, you know, totally impossible) – like when we had a 48 hour period where we weren’t even sure if the wedding was going to be able to go ahead because of solemniser complications.
But things worked themselves out. And, in the end, the hours of panic did little else than…well, cause stress.
Besides, anything bad that happens can be fixed, right?
Keeley and Sam are saying ‘I do,’ in May 2019. And with seven months to go, this bride-to-be admits she’s still learning the ropes. In the run-up to her Big Day, Keeley will be writing a weekly blog about all things wedding-related… from the start of planning, to walking down the aisle.