This Advice For Single People Is Way Overrated, So Don't Pay Attention

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This one grinds my gears because what if someone just isn’t into having a partner? Or what if the person who’s on the receiving end of this advice is single by choice for another reason, like trying to juggle school work, extracurriculars, and an internship? Or they’re balancing a full time job with a side hustle and trying to make time for friends?

Relationships don’t always fit into the equation at different times in our lives. So saying something pitying like the above phrase is condescending, and assumes far too much off the bat. Just because someone isn’t in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that that person is seeking one out at the moment.

So if you’re ever thinking of offering someone the above tidbits of advice, just sit back for a second before you make assumptions about their love life. While your friend will probably understand you’re coming from a good intention with your words, you’re still better off not insulting them in the first place.

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