Why The Most Awesome Women End Up With The Biggest Jerks

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Everyone’s known that awesome girl who’s funny, nice, smart and attractive … and who always seems to end up with that awful guy who’s rude, inattentive, irresponsible and never appreciates her.

Well, you’re about to find out.

Because no, women do not just flock to these jerky idiots for fun. There are actual reasons why the “bad guy always gets the girl.”

How a Ms. Amazing Can End Up With a Mr. First-Class Jerk

 1. She’s attracted to his smug attitude and neglect.

It doesn’t really make sense, but when a guy is always “busy,” doesn’t respond to your texts or calls, ogles other women, makes you pay and and doesn’t act like he cares about you in any way shape or form … it can be an odd turn that leaves you wanting more.

 2. All she cares about is good looks and a smokin’ bod.


A lot of women are naturally attracted to good looks and a hot body. Who wouldn’t be?

But what’s sad here is that a lot of women put these attributes first and above all elseWomen who are themselves very attractive and physically fit will only seek these features in their potential partners. They will put a six pack, strong jaw and flawless skin above being kind, decent, reliable and faithful. Naturally, this is to their detriment.

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