Would You Pay for Sex Advice From Farrah Abraham? – The Cheat Sheet

If you thought Farrah Abraham just couldn’t shock us anymore with her antics or business ventures, think again. The Teen Mom OG alumna is now taking on a surprising new role as a sex therapist. Yes, you read that correctly.
Farrah recently announced her new gig called “Farrahpy” via Instagram and is charging a whopping $5,000 for 30 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly too. As you can imagine many of Farrah’s followers and others have already voiced their opinions about this. Here’s what they’re saying plus what Farrah thinks makes her so qualified.
Farrah Abraham | Bryan Steffy/Getty Images for Crazy Horse 3
Why she thinks she’s qualified
As Farrah put it, the reasons she’s qualified is because she has “dated around the globe, and worked with some of the best sex therapists in the world.”
She also believes that her “ability to communicate honestly and my openness sexually” makes her perfect to offer “groundbreaking live sex therapy sessions.”
What licensed therapists think
Actual sex therapists though certainly don’t agree that Farrah is the least bit qualified to conduct therapy sessions.
Rachel Needle, PsyD, a licensed psychologist, certified sex therapist, and the co-director of Modern Sex Therapy Institutes, spoke to Yahoo Lifestyle about the former MTV star’s lack of qualifications.
“Let’s be clear that a person who does not have a degree in counseling or psychology is not qualified to provide therapy,” Needle explained. “Having personal experience does not make one an expert. An individual with extensive training or education (even if self-taught) may in fact be knowledgeable, but that certainly does not qualify them as an ‘expert’ who can give ‘advice.’”
David Ley, PhD, a certified therapist offered his thoughts on Farrah’s new job as well.
“I’m all for people getting sexual education, but I shudder at the notion of celebrity entertainers doing so,” he said. “The last thing we need is more sexual ignorance being spread.”
And sex therapist Debra Laino, DHS, agreed with Needle and Ley saying, “It’s one thing to say ‘Yeah, try [this].’ It’s another thing to deal with problems. I hope she is not dealing with serious issues. ”
What fans are saying

Farrah Abraham | JB Lacroix/Getty Images
Farrah’s being criticized by her followers on Instagram over this new venture as well and it seems like they’re not interested in paying for Farrahpy. Many of them slammed the idea of the reality star giving sex, dating, or advice on any related topic. The comments ranged from people asking if she was being serious to them pointing out that she hasn’t has the greatest relationships in her own life.
“Relationship therapy are u [sic] kidding?” one use wrote while another noted, “You can’t keep a relationship going for more than a few months on your own.”
“I love Farrah don’t get me wrong, but why would anyone take dating advice from someone who doesn’t seem to be able to keep a relationship going their self?” someone else asked.
So there you have it. Now the only question is would you pay for sex advice from Farrah Abraham?
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